Pieris Paths
Led by Aishnine Benjamin, equality, diversity and inclusion professional in healthcare. Extensive equalities-related work experience, voluntary work advocating for social justice and academic background in racial equality and human rights

Leading and implementing company DEI work programmes. Some examples:
- Delivering the BMA race reports, which included: a survey of racial discrimination of doctors in the UK, research into the barriers to ethnic minority and international medical graduates progressing into leadership positions, and recommendations on how to address racial discrimination in medicine.
- National policy advice on the causal factors of the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on ethnic minorities, pregnant women, disabled people, and the issue of vaccine hesitancy.
- Developed and delivered a national Trade Union’s programme of work to tackle sexual misconduct and respond to concerns internally and externally. Providing a narrative that incorporated intersectionality and different views of gender.
- Creating strategies, delivering training and equality impact assessment processes to ensure stakeholder engagement. For example an equality impact assessment of the NMCs work on the Covid-19 strategy, recognised as a best practice example of equality impact assessment by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK.
- Audits of organisational approaches to diversity, inclusion and culture – with recommendations and support to develop long-term strategies.
- Developed staff affinity networks – cross-industry and internally to be sustainable and improve employee engagement.
- Bias training for board/panel members making decisions, equality impact assessment training for policy makers and diverse stakeholder engagement training.